Grab your free self-guided Pike Place Market tour
Eat and shop your way through Seattle’s iconic farmers market with the help of a local food expert. This self-guided Pike Place Market food tour includes an itinerary with 10 tasty stops, plus tips on how to avoid tourists and which attractions you can skip.

How many disappointing tourist attractions have you visit?
Raise your hand if this sounds familiar: you spend hours before travel researching the best restaurants, shops, and attractions in hopes of finding hidden gems off the beaten path. You arrive at your destination armed and ready, but end up feeling like the destination wasn’t what you hoped. What sounded like a dream before arriving was full of tourists and a lot of tchotchke souvenirs you wouldn’t be caught dead buying.
Pike Place Market can feel like a tourist trap
There are more than 100 vendors at Pike Place Market. Sure, this means variety, but it also means there are a lot of spots catering to tourists rather than representing an authentic Seattle experience.
I wrote off Pike Place Market as a tourist trap the first time I visit. But that’s because I didn’t know how to avoid the throngs of people, and I sure as hell didn’t know where the locals hang.
Tour Pike Place Market with the help of a local
To make sure your experience isn’t like mine, I put together a 28-page guide on the best of Pike Place Market. I reveal when to go to avoid people and which attractions you can skip (yes, even the ones all the tour books say to visit).

About your tour guide
Hi, I’m Adria! I’m so excited to share the best of Pike Place Market with you. I’m a food writer and tour guide who’s lived in Seattle for more than a decade. I’ve seen which businesses came and went at Pike Place Market, plus explored its every nook and cranny. In this guide you’ll find all my insider secrets so you can make the most of your market visit.
as seen in
My retreats and self-guided food tours of Seattle have been featured in:

“Adria’s tour took the stress out of planning my trip. I didn’t have to spend time researching where the best places to go were, as she took care of that.”

Marissa Pedersen
Attended a past tour“Adria is a travel planning pro! She’s extremely thoughtful and thorough in her itinerary. I can always trust that her recommendations are going to be fun, enjoyable, and most importantly when involving food, delicious!”

Jenn Haskins
Attended a past tour

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Take more tours of Seattle
There is so much more to explore beyond downtown Seattle. Check out my other food tours of neighborhoods rarely visit by tourists.